About Jiayi Mall shop inspection notice

Add Date: 2017-9-11    Views: 6417

Dear Toky customers:
       Warm to remind the majority of Toky customers, with the Toky brand awareness gradually increased, the market share expansion, found a fake Toky brand phenomenon, to the customer losses, the impact on the Toky brand.
       The majority of Toky customers through the network channels (Taobao, Alibaba, etc.) when ordering please pay attention to whether the product I have designated in the shop monopoly distribution product authorization, please do not want to buy cheap products to protect the company's headquarters Will check the shop from time to time, such as the discovery of false or fake and shoddy products will be notified in the official website to protect the interests of customers.
       The audit of the good business mall, non-company authorized the shop, and the company suspected of selling non-company production of products, product quality uneven, customers have complained about this mall sales fake and shoddy products. The quality of the products sold by the customer, please customers carefully, if the company is not responsible for security issues, the company will retain the right to pursue.
Please our customers know.
Bless you